Archive for March 19th, 2010


Day 2 Shooting

March 19, 2010

On our second day of filming, we were on location at the bickerly bridge in Ringwood, and it was a very sunny and clear day, which didn’t particularly match what we wanted but it was still good for filming.

The fact that it was a nice day and the bridge is a popular dog walker spot meant that we had to stop and start a lot to make sure we didn’t get anyone in our shots or pick up their talking on the audio, which would have ruined the continuity of the 1940’s setting. In hindsight, it probably was not the best place for us to film with these complications.

Another problem that we faced on the day was that the battery that we had for the camera was faulty so we had a small amount of time to film before we had to take time out to recharge the battery.

The biggest problem was due to the fact that our scene was based around two high ranking Nazi officers, and for the costumes we had Swastika armbands. Since the bridge is quite near some housing, which must have disturbed one of the residents, causing the police to be called. Once the police had talked to us and seen that we were making a harmless film, they quickly left us to carry on.

As the faulty battery caused us to rush the shots and muck up the audio, we decided to come back for a third day, which was overcast and cloudy, which was exactly what we wanted, and it all went smoothly without complications.


Day 1 Shooting

March 19, 2010

On our first day of shooting, in which we filmed the first scene of our film opening, we were instantly faced with a problem, as the place where we had originally planned to film was not available, which meant that at the last moment we had to film at one of the houses of a part of our team (sam’s). The location was suitable but we had lost a lot of our time.

As we were filming in a loft, the space was quite small and tight, so there was limited space for us to film our shots. This wasn’t a very big issue, as we were able to get all of our shots, but it would have been preferable to be able to get a wider range of shots. One other problem was that we had to find someone to play the mother in the film (Cynthia) but Sam’s mother kindly offered to play her.

The filming itself went very smoothly and we had no problems with the camera or any of the script.