

March 29, 2010

For our film we needed to find some music that would really show the sombre mood that runs throughout the Germany scene. For this we used Garage band and freesounds.com.

Garage Band: Using garage band we managed to find several preset dramtic piano riffs which could be mixed together to create an authentic piece that fits well with the scene. Also, at the start of the Germany scene we wanted to have some period Jazz music and we managed to find a perfect clip that sounded much like the popular music of the time.

This is a brilliant example of what we wanted in our opening scene. This music really sets the scene of the 1940’s and sounds very sofisticated. Luckily, we were able to find a non copyright file on Garage band very similar to this style which matched with what we had in mind whilst fitting with the time period.

This extract from the Schindler’s list soundtrack was also the kind of style we had in mind for the more dramatic scenes of our opening. Unfortunately, we were unable to find a credible track, as the violins on garage band and freesound.org sounded very fake and were really not what we wanted as it would spoil the serious nature of our film. Even so, we were able to find a very sombre and dramatic piano score which could be combined some low notes to create the exact tone we wanted.

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