
2. How does your media product represent particular social groups?

May 7, 2010

We compared Lukas from our film and Tom Cruise as Colonel Claus von Stauffenberg in Valkyrie the obvious similarity being that they both portray Nazi officers with doubts over the regime. Von Stauffenberg led a plot to kill Hitler at The Wolf’s Lair however in our film Lukas defects to Britain after doubts over the final solution. 

They both wear Nazi attire with the militaristic uniform and swastika armbands. With short hair and smart clothing they appear similar however the main difference in our films is that Lukas is a fictional character based on a real event however Stauffenberg was a real man allowing comparisons between them. Whereas Lukas doesn’t have to mimic the appearance of a real person.

In the film’s the both show defiance against the Nazi regime however they have different motives; Lukas feels guilty for his part at the Wannsee conference however Stauffenberg although similarly had misgivings about the Nazi regime took real action in an assassination attempt.

Both characters die as a result of their actions, Stauffenberg directly as he is killed after the failed assassination and Lukas riddled with guilt commits suicide. Both films also use English in a German setting for consumption of the English-speaking markets interested in Nazi films.

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